Demonstrator Interreg-project BHC21

Demonstrator cell shows training opportunities through digital operator support

Bart Verlinden

To capitalise on the knowledge and expertise accumulated during the BHC21 Interreg project and pass it on to companies, Sirris has built a demonstrator cell which shows what digital operator support can do. It will be presented in the near future, but we are already giving you a sneak peek here.

Today, assembly plants are increasingly providing customised work, and jobs are a lot more complex than before. As a result, many companies are struggling to find qualified staff. At the same time, a lot of low-skilled workers do not find their way to the labour market. These are obstacles that the Interreg project Boosting Human Capital in the 21st Century (BHC21) sought to address. After more than three years, the project aimed at developing more efficient and effective vocational training for low-skilled workers, was concluded in October 2022. During the closing event, the project partners presented their findings and proposed some innovative learning technologies on how low-skilled workers can be guided towards employment, or during their education and training. Several innovative learning technologies were demonstrated.

Interactive workstation

To capitalise on the accumulated knowledge and expertise and pass it on to companies, Sirris has built a demonstrator cell. In this cell, operator support capabilities can be shown and tested. The interactive workstation features a variety of innovative technologies and will be an extension of the existing assembly line at our Kortrijk site. The cell serves as a demonstrator to raise awareness among companies and organisations of the new technologies that can prepare low-skilled people for jobs in industry.

The demonstrator consists of two cells: a training cell, designed to train starting operators without disrupting production, and an assembly cell intended for operators with already more experience. Both cells are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to support operators in their jobs. The system displays step-by-step assembly instructions, checking that the operator's actions are correct.

The cells are flexible, allowing them to be quickly adapted for new applications. All the technologies used are user-friendly, given that they are intended for low-skilled workers.

From demo to practice

Visitors will first get a demonstration of the work cells and can then work on their own. In the cell, they can assemble a product while being guided by instructions during the process.

This setup will be presented during our Open-Lab Day on operator support on 8 March 2023. During the event, attendees will be able to learn about the capabilities of the demonstrator cell through an example: the assembly of a 'dolly' (a transport cart which is used a lot in factories). Do you want to know more about this event? Check out our agenda and register!

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