Do you need innovative, state-of-art production technologies to develop your future generation of products or to improve the quality and production efficiency of your components? In our labs, we explore the possibilities of innovative technologies and push back the boundaries. Let us support you with starting up new production technologies and integrating with conventional technologies.
Innovative manufacturing technologies
Enabler for new products or productivity and flexibility
High-value products are becoming more and more demanding. New technologies offer countless possibilities for product development and manufacture, including the flexibility and freedom of form that additive manufacturing offers, the integration of functions by texturing surfaces with a laser, and the precise processing of advanced materials. The right technology and a well-considered implementation process are crucial. Furthermore, producing a prototype usually requires a different approach to the production of a mass range. Whatever your product and production environment may be, we can help with the introduction of suitable innovative technologies.
For product designers and manufacturing companies
Product designers want to leverage the possibilities of innovative production technologies to develop new generations of products. Manufacturing companies see innovative production technologies as key to their competitiveness. We are happy to look into how we can support you with any type of product or production innovation.
Formulate, process and test new materials for AM technologies with us. The goal: to provide you with the best properties for your product.
Boost the quality of your additive manufacturing process or product: set up an integrated quality process, identify variables, and more.
Forget about continuous wave, micro and nanosecond lasers: femtosecond lasers are your best option for delicate precision work.
Machining 4.0 enables manufacturing companies to control and adjust production process by using (real-time) data. Here’s how to get there.
Data-driven additive manufacturing processes can transform your shopfloor and give you a competitive edge. Let’s connect the right dots.
Inspiring articles
Searching for an advanced way to produce?
Peter ten Haaf, our Program Manager Precision Manufacturing, is your go-to man!