AMR (automatic mobile robot) with Sirris logo, representing the implementation of AMR/AGV in a production environment

Optimise your production with Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR)

Filiep Vincent

From strategy to practice: here’s how to get the maximum from AMR technology

Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMR) transform the way production and logistics work. They make it possible to move materials and goods more efficiently, accelerate production processes and at the same time reduce costs. But how do you integrate this technology into your production environment successfully? 
A well-thought-out approach is crucial. In this four-part blog series we discuss how you integrate AMR into your production environment and so develop a sustainable and profitable solution.

What you can expect:

Met deze aanpak legt u een stevige basis voor een duurzame en rendabele AMR-oplossing in uw bedrijf. 


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Sirris expert explaining production strategy to a group of visitors in the Sirris Lab at Facthory in Genk, with a AMR in the foreground

Choose the most suitable production strategy: push or pull?

The choice between a push or pull strategy has direct consequences for the material flow and production efficiency.

  • Push strategy: Production is guided by forecasts and prognoses. Decisions are made on the basis of expected demand, often before orders come in. This often leads to higher inventories and risks of overproduction.
  • Pull strategy: Production starts only with specific customer orders or market needs. This reduces inventories and increases the flexibility for rush orders. Customer orientation is the focus. This strategy requires a flexible, connected production environment that responds quickly to changes in demand.

A push strategy is often used in AMR-guided processes to automatically give priority to urgent transport assignments. This ensures smooth production without extra workload.

Read more about production strategies

AVG WEWO 1 leaving its dock station in the Facthory Sirris Lab, demonstrating a digital production environment

Build a digital production environment

A strong digital infrastructure is essential for successful AMR integration. Two important tools:

  • Unified NameSpace (UNS): A naming system that assigns unique and clear names to everything within an environment, such as files, devices or users. Thanks to these unique names there is no confusion, so that everything is easily findable and usable. UNS serves as a central data model that seamlessly integrates systems such as ERP, MES and WMS.
  • Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT): A lightweight ‘publish-subscribe’ messaging protocol that ensures fast and reliable data exchange between machines and systems. The combination of simplicity, efficiency and reliability makes MQTT a popular choice for various applications such as IoT (Internet of Things), M2M (Machine-to-Machine) and mobile systems.

The combination of UNS and MQTT enables AMRs to communicate in real time, work together smoothly and respond immediately to changes.

Find out how digital tools support your AMR 

AMR (automated mobile robot) moving around in a simulated production environment at the Sirris lab in Genk, demonstrating fleet management for AMR's.

Ensure efficient fleet management for your AMRs

How do you coordinate multiple AMRs in a complex production environment? 

Fleet management software offers the solution. The system:

  • Gives real-time insight into the status and location of AMRs.
  • Optimises routes to shorten transport time.
  • Prevents collisions with smart algorithms that predict and resolve conflicts.

Practical example: In our demonstrator environment the Meili fleet manager promptly detected collisions and distributed tasks efficiently. This increased productivity and minimised downtime.
Read more about fleet management

AVG WEWO transporting a wooden crate in the Facthory Sirris Lab

Plan and simulate with AGVsim

Do you want to be certain that your investment in AMRs is optimal? Use AGVsim to simulate scenarios:

  • Determine the ideal number of AMRs for your processes.
  • Optimise route planning.
  • Analyse the effect of speeds and battery performance.

AGVsim is user-friendly and delivers reliable results. The software analyses data such as layouts, task lists and specific parameters to calculate various scenarios. By conducting simulations, for example with changes in routes, speeds or battery capacity, you get valuable insights to optimise your processes and prevent surprises. This data-driven approach helps companies increase efficiency and produce a solid Return on Investment (ROI).

Find out more about simulations with AGVsim

Discover the AMR advantages for your company

By integrating AMRs with strategically chosen production models, digital infrastructures, effective fleet management and simulation software, you optimise logistics processes. This leads to lower costs, more flexibility, better customer satisfaction and more sustainable business operation.

Do you have questions or do you want to start an AMR project? Our experts are ready to help.

More information about our expertise

Mobile robots for production logistics