
MASTT2040 | Manufacturing as a Service for the EU’s Twin Transition until 2040

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More and more manufacturing companies and marketplaces are offering online services for the on-demand manufacturing of customized products, the delivery of equipment and equipment services or services that support manufacturing and the circular economy. We group all these business models and services under the heading of MaaS. At this time, MaaS is already transforming the manufacturing industry in Europe.

In this rapidly evolving MaaS landscape, Europe is facing the crucial challenge of navigating the manufacturing industry through the uncertainties and opportunities of emerging technologies and changes. This uncertainty requires a strategic approach and decision-making to guide the European manufacturing industry to a front-runner position in MaaS and a desirable future in 2040.


In this context, the MASTT2040 project applies participative foresight methods to design a long-term vision and create a strategic roadmap with short-, medium- and long-term goals. In doing this, the project will look at how MaaS can serve as a catalyst for greater durability and circularity and the elasticity of centralized, local supply in Europe.


The MASTT2040 project comprises the various phases of a future exploration:

  • An analysis of the best practices for promoting the durability and circularity of industrial production in the context of "Manufacturing as a Service".  An inspiring casebook design for the manufacturing industry, the current status of various MaaS approaches and best practices.
  • An analysis of the most important developments and trends in the manufacturing industry that will determine the future of "Manufacturing as a Service". Based on scenarios, visions and use cases for MaaS in 2040 will be designed and their impact on durability, circularity and local production networks.
  • A roadmap outlines how the European manufacturing industry can transform and anticipate these changes. Concrete pathways and action plans make it possible to show how the most impactful scenarios can be realized (today-2030, 2030-2035, 2035-2040).
  • Policy recommendations suggest the needs for standardization involving data in the manufacturing industry to support this transition. 

Target group

MASTT2040 involves relevant European stakeholders in MaaS and the Circular Economy in this foresight study and will distribute the results widely in the European manufacturing industry and its technology suppliers.


Horizon Europe CL4-2023-TWIN-TRANSITION-01-08 — Foresight and technology transfer for Manufacturing as a Service (Made in Europe Partnership), project number 101138342


The consortium comprises 6 partners: Sirris (coordinator), COMET (Italy), Future Industry Platform (Poland), Steinbeis University (Germany), THHINK (Netherlands) and 4CF (Poland).


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Jan 2024 - Dec 2025

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Project deliverables

White paper 'Manufacturing-as-a-Service. Online, on-demand en supersnel toeleveren'

In the white paper (in Dutch) '' Manufacturing-as-a-Service. Online, on-demand en supersnel toeleveren' ('Manufacturing-as-a-Service. Online, on-demand and super-fast delivery'), we take a closer look at how an SME can respond to the arrival of MaaS, based on some obvious questions, ranging from positioning and specialisation to options such as QRM and automation.

Download the white paper