Powering the future - Manufacturing meets Energy Transition challenges

Green alternatives for gas-powered manufacturing processes

An interactive workshop on the design, application, manufacturing & scale-up of industrial high temperature heat exchangers & heat pumps

High temperature industrial heat pumps have the potential to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in industries that require temperatures between 100 and 180 degrees Celsius. Such technology represents low-hanging fruit aiming to reduce both greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. Research anticipates that new heat pump technologies will enable reductions in industrial energy consumption of between 40 and 70 percent, facilitated by the recovery of low-temperature waste heat.

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) has reported that industrial heat pumps can cut the energy use associated with industrial process heat by up to one third and enable CO2 savings of between 30-43 million tons per year. The European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE) has also reported that based on average Austrian energy prices, cost reductions in the range of 12–50 % can be achieved.


  13:00 – 13:15 Welcome drink & registration (EnergyVille 1 building)
  13:20 – 14:15

Setting the scene around industrial high-temperature heat pumps (EnergyVille 1 building)

  • Optimal size, reliability, design & operation
    Johan Van Bael | EnergyVille/VITO | Project Manager
  • R&D perspective on the potential of high temperature heat pumps
    Alessia Arteconi | EnergyVille/KU Leuven | Associate Professor 
  • How to integrate heat pumps in industrial processes using Pinch methodology
    Rossen Ivanov | Armstrong | General Manager EMEA 
  • An overview of the potential of industrial heat pumps
    Kjell Van Lint | Atlas Copco | Business Line Manager
  14:20 – 14:45

State-of-the-art around heat exchanger design & optimisation (EnergyVille 1 building)

  • Revolutionizing Compact Heat Exchanger design
    Tine Baelmans | EnergyVille/KU Leuven | Professor
  • Advanced heat exchanger design and optimisation with innovative additive manufacturing
    Yves De Vos | Bosal | Innovation Engineer
  15:00 – 16:00

Innovations in additive manufacturing and visit to the Thermo Technical Lab (EnergyVille 1 building)

  • Innovations in 3D-printing of conductive materials
    Dirk Vangeneugden | VITO | Business Development Mgr   
    Brecht Van Hooreweder | Princess Elisabeth Additive Manufacturing Lab | manager and professor at KULeuven 
  • Tour through the Thermo Technical Lab
    Johan Van Bael | EnergyVille/VITO | Project Manager 
  16:10 – 17:10

Advanced Manufacturing lab Sirris (transfer to FacThory building @ Thor Park)

  • Opportunities around 3D printing
    Olivier Rigo | Sirris | Additive Manufacturing Program Manager 
  • Tour through Laser texturing dept Sirris
    Olivier Malek | FacThory/Sirris | advanced manufacturing specialist 
  17:15 – 17:50

State-of-the-art around heat pump & heat exchanger manufacturing (EnergyVille 1 building)

  • Optimal design of heat exchange components & systems
    Maarten Blommaert | EnergyVille/KU Leuven | Professor 
  • Large scale industrial heat pump manufacturing
    Piet Van der Biest | Siemens Energy | Head of Power Generation and Transmission Projects 
  • Laser based micro machining
    Sylvie Castagne | KU Leuven | Professor & Head of the Manufacturing Processes and Systems division 
  17:50 – 18:10 Closing Remarks, acknowledgements (EnergyVille 1 building)
  18:10 – 19:00 Networking reception (EnergyVille 1 building)


Join us for this enlightening afternoon into the future of industrial heat pumps and heat exchangers, understanding the technologies, the strategies, and the potential they hold. Register now and be part of the energy revolution!


24 avril 2024 13:00 - 19:00


Thor Park
André Dumontlaan 67
3600 Genk

Google maps


Free, but registration is required



En savoir plus sur cette expertise


24 avril 2024 13:00 - 19:00


Thor Park
André Dumontlaan 67
3600 Genk

Google maps


Free, but registration is required



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