masterclass atmospheric low pressure plasma

Atmospheric & Low-Pressure Plasma - a sustainable technology

In search for more sustainable and environmentally friendly surface treatment techniques, the atmospheric plasma technology may offer an interesting alternative for cleaning, activation, modification, or functionalization (thin coating) of a surface. This masterclass will provide an overview of the state of the art of the plasma technology.

In contrast to traditional techniques such as blasting, wet-chemical primers and coatings or chemical etching, the atmospheric plasma technology stands for less material consumption, no VOCs and lower energy consumption, as curing at high temperatures is not necessary.

This masterclass, organised by Centexbel and Sirris, will provide an overview of the state of the art of the plasma technology. Two keynote lectures will extensively discuss the technical aspects of the plasma technology itself and the sustainability of the technology compared to traditional coating techniques. In addition, the application of the technology in view of the use of recently developed bio-based coatings will be addressed.

Subsequently, three producers and suppliers of atmospheric and low-pressure plasma systems will exemplify where the technology is already applied in the industry on various material substrates, including textiles, plastics, metal or composites. In addition, each company also states its vision on sustainability.


09.30 Welcome

10.00 Keynote: What is plasma? What are the advantages? And what about sustainability? - Dr Rouba Ghobeira (University Ghent)

10.45 Europlasma technology at work in Flanders - Filip Legein (Europlasma)

11.15 Plasma technology explained through a few case studies on different materials - Pascal Verheyen (Sinvacon)

11.45 Case studies by AGC

12.15 Network lunch

13.30 Keynote: Plasma process for the elaboration of functional surfaces and thin films at atmospheric pressure - Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

14.15 Case studies by MPG, Gill Scheltjens

15.45 Case studies by TIGRES: Ralph Greger

15.15 Networking drink

For whom?

The masterclass is aimed at companies who want to get acquainted with this technology as well as companies who already apply the technology and desire to gain more insight into the technology, its latest applications and sustainability.



This masterclass is part of Industriepartnershap in which 17 Flemish innovation partners offer an integrated service to stimulate growth and innovation in the Flemish industry in the 3 following themes: Digitisation, Sustainability & Industry 4.0. They do so under the leadership of Agoria and Sirris and with the support of Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen.





25 octobre 2022 09:00 - 16:00


Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 70
9052 Gent

Google maps


€ 365 (VAT excluded)


25 octobre 2022 09:00 - 16:00


Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 70
9052 Gent

Google maps


€ 365 (VAT excluded)