VWT Symposium - 'Carbon neutrality and energy cost reduction in heat treatment'

Kurt Beghyn

How can the mechanical and metallurgical industries contribute with solutions, materials and process sciences to carbon neutrality and energy cost reduction in heat treatment'? This is the focus of the symposium, organised by VWT and A3TS in Antwerp on 11 May 2023.

Sustainability, CO2 reduction, energy cost reduction are very hot themes, now and in the future.  The situation is complex and the impact on a global scale is important with extensively variation between the continents. Europe will play an important role with the "Green deal" and even in Europe there are differences between countries and regions.

The themes are extremely important for companies active in heat treatment. Compared to other sectors, the heat treatment sector has a relatively high cost of energy, labour and tooling. In many cases the processes are fixed or semi-fixed, so that the possibilities of action are restricted, and it makes the heat treatment sector extremely dependent of the evolution in the other sectors and its customer base.

Therefore, the Association de Traitement Thermique et de Traitement de Surface (A3TS) and Vereniging voor Warmtebehandelingstechniek (VWT) took the decision to organize a full day on the topic. As a member of the VWT board, Sirris will be present too.

During that day, a coverage will be given on the different aspects with seven presentations coming out of industry and research. They will highlight their approach and sharing some examples of solution. It is also a unique opportunity to share experiences between the participants.

Interested to join the symposium on 11 May 2023? You can find the full programme, all practical information and registration form online on the A3TS website.


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