"Saving? We do that through data, standardisation and a dashboard"

Jakob Kesteloot
Véronique Dossogne

Review of Awareness Session on maximising efficiency

Production processes at SMEs can often be greatly optimised. How? By digitising them. The use cases presented at the Awareness Session organised by Agoria and Sirris showed some of the possibilities offered by digitisation. These cases show that older machines, different data sources and non-coherent data no longer have to be obstacles.

The experts speaking at the Awareness Session 'Maximising Efficiency by implementing Industrial communication Solutions for Optimal Industry', organised by Agoria for Dutch speaking companies at Vives Hogeschool in Kortrijk and for French speaking companies at the Sirris site in Liège, were unanimous: "Today, most SMEs have great potential to optimise their production thanks to the availability of data," Alain Wayenberg, Business Group Leader Manufacturing at Agoria, said at the opening of the awareness session.

"But today's production facilities are not or only to a limited extent connected and this both in large companies and - specifically - in these SMEs. As a result, the right data we need is not accessible either. And that is a shame. Because connectivity creates data-driven applications that make it possible to optimise production and logistics and make them more efficient."

Read more about the challenges for SMEs, possible solutions and the use cases discussed during the session in Dutch (review in Dutch) and the session in French (review in French).

Questions? Contact Jakob Kesteloot or Véronique Dossogne of Sirris, or Alain Wayenberg of Agoria.

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