The first step towards digital production: connecting your machine

Peter ten Haaf

A transparent and real-time overview of production activities, even with older controls

With the approval of the manufacturer Heidenhain, Reniver has developed a gateway that makes data available for external use, mainly as an extension to older controls. This solution is being extensively tested for large-scale rollout at Sirris… and perhaps at your company too.

Industry 4.0 - a far-reaching digitisation of the production system - promises numerous advantages, such as a transparent and real-time overview of all production activities, the ability to anticipate problems and getting the right information to the right person at the right time. It is very important to have the data required for all this. That is often where the problem lies because not all production machines are connected. Not even new machines, let alone ones with older control systems. 

High-level retrofitting

With the authorisation of manufacturer Heidenhain, one of the largest players in the machine control sector, the Belgian company Reniver has developed the Heidenhain DNC Gateway. The solution is installed as an extension to an older Heidenhain control and makes all data available for external use via OPC UA.

This creates the opportunity to:

  • Integrate NC data into an MES/ERP
  • Draw up production planning based on real-time data
  • Receive immediate notification of malfunctions and downtimes
  • Launch improvement actions based on monitored process parameters 

The solution also immediately provides the necessary options for encryption and certificate support to guarantee security.

Pilot projects, also on Sirris' Industry 4.0 pilot line

Before a large-scale rollout of the Heidenhain DNC Gateway, a number of pilot projects are being set up with end users across Europe. Reniver and Sirris are already joining forces to install the new solution within the new 'Industry 4.0 pilot line' that Sirris will launch at the end of 2024.

There are still some vacancies in the Heidenhain pilot program. So if  you want to connect an old control system yourself, be sure to send us an e-mail with your contact details and a brief description of the machine (type, control version, etc.).


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