
The Open Lab Day shows the possibilities in corrosion testing and detection

Joey Bosmans
Jeroen Tacq
Corrosion remains one of the most important degradation processes of installations and infrastructure and as such is the cause of failures, downtime, lack of safety, and environmental damage. Therefore, innovation in the prevention, detection and repair of corrosion is badly needed. Get to know the state of the art in corrosion detection testing!

Sirris has a lot to offer when it comes to corrosion detection and prevention. For example, we are part of the platform for corrosion research CorrosionLABS, a unique cooperation between research institutes and industry, aimed at practice-oriented research and demonstration of solutions within the framework of corrosion prevention.

Sirris has several material experts and corrosion experts who can help you solve your corrosion problems. Laboratory tests such as (cyclical) salt spray tests, condensation tests or immersion tests in combination with damage analysis are frequently performed as qualification tests or as part of corrosion studies.

Our combined infrastructure also enables us to identify the cause of corrosion through materials research and damage analysis and to formulate objective advice on product design, materials and surface treatments to prevent corrosion in the future.

Fancy discovering the possibilities for your company or case yourself? Come to our Open Lab Day on the topic of corrosion! Registration can be done directly through this link.

What can you expect? Besides presentations on corrosion research and the challenges we face, we offer you the opportunity to visit our lab infrastructure and our experts will be happy to inform you about ongoing projects at Sirris. We also welcome providers of innovative test infrastructure and inspection techniques who will present their methodologies at a table-top exhibition.

This combination of a technical day and an open-lab day is organised by Sirris as part of the Interreg project Praktijklab Corrosie & Isolatie.



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Joey Bosmans

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