Sirris’ mobile cobot eases repetitive tasks in the sheet metal industry. Flexible, user-friendly & ideal for small lots. See it in action at our demos!
Sonoco aimed to enhance quality control in its production of tubular food packaging by investigating automation options. This study resulted in a preliminary trial using a robot.
What keeps companies awake at night when it comes to the automation of finishing processes such as sanding, deburring and polishing? That’s what we want to know, which is why we created a survey ...
In a world where technology is evolving at a frenetic pace, the agrifood industry is not staying put. Sirris, an innovation driver, is launching a series of participatory workshops within the ...
The Hassal foundry was looking at using automation for sanding away burrs and the remains of runners and risers on castings - a dirty, dangerous and repetitive job. Although automating this work comes ...
The COOCK project ‘COBOFIN’, aimed at accelerating the introduction of automated sanding, deburring and polishing with a cobot, came to a successful conclusion. This article offers a short review of ...
As part of the Trinity RECOPRODAS project, Sirris and Malmar explored how cobots can be used more flexibly as production assistants for the automation of repetitive and manual tasks across multiple processes. In this way, operators will be able to concentrate on improving the quality and making their work environment more human-centred.
Malmar and Sirris have successfully demonstrated the potential of a mobile cobotic production assistant (CPA) in the Recoprodas demonstration project, in collaboration with the Trinity consortium. The ...
Automation can relieve operators of labour-intensive, monotonous tasks such as sanding. However, this is hard to apply to small series and varied products. The COOCK project COBOFIN examines this ...
Workpieces often require finishing stages, such as deburring or sanding, to achieve the required final quality. In the COBOFIN project, Sirris is investigating the extent to which these operations can ...
The number of industrial applications for cobots continues to grow. However, many SMEs are hesitating to take the plunge, given the unclear ROI, especially within high-mix-low-volume environments. As ...