Tenth edition of Factory of the Future Award
For ten years, Factories of the Future has stood for enterprising companies that push boundaries and keep raising the bar. Driven by the enthusiasm of hundreds of employees. Are you already part of it, or do you want to join in? Take part in the tenth Factory of the Future Award ceremony!
This event is full!
Experience a festive and inspiring evening and discover as a first which companies are helping to shape the future of industry in Belgium by their efforts, commitment and dedication.
This tenth Factory of the Future Award promises to be an exceptional opportunity to celebrate the outstanding achievements of our industry. You can expect many inspiring moments, fruitful exchanges and, of course, the presentation of the Factory of the Future Awards to deserving companies.
- The award ceremony, in the presence of Minister Willy Borsus and Prime Minister Jan Jambon.
- Inspiring speeches: industry leaders share their vision for the future of manufacturing and the exciting challenges ahead.
- Networking: take the opportunity to make meaningful contacts with industry experts, innovators and potential partners.
The event will be held in French and Dutch.
08 February 2024 15:30 - 18:30
Free, but registration is required
This event is fully booked. Contact our expert with your questions.