Defining a new production technology strategy that links well with your business, market and product challenges can be a daunting task – especially in an uncertain business environment. So, let’s do it together. Whether your goal is to increase reliability, lower costs, shorten lead times or even transform your entire discrete production, I’m all ears.
- Production Strategy
- Product Development Process
Work experience
Before joining Sirris, I was active in the automotive industry. More specifically, I was immersed in product development and testing. From design for assembly and design for end-of-life to operations management, I now try to leverage several specialties to the benefit of the Sirris network. Moreover, I am co-creator of Made Different, a framework of 7 transformations to help production companies to improve their competitiveness and transform into a factory of the future.
- MSc of Mechanical Engineering at KULeuven (1996)
- MSc of Business Economics at KULeuven (1997)