The higher the cost of a product, the more crucial it is for it to be flawless. Since 3D printing is an expensive process, achieving near-perfect results is essential. To address this, the ARIAC project, part of Walloon TRAIL, has developed a method that simulates the human eye layer by layer to ...
ContenO wanted to ensure the quality and reliability of a containerised water bottling factory by subjecting it to extreme weather condition tests. This would help to identify any weaknesses or vulnerabilities, ensure that the factory is able to operate efficiently and maintain its performance even ...
To this day, PTFE is one of the most popular coatings in cookware, due to its high heat-resistance and hydrophobic properties. However, as we learn more about this ‘forever chemical’ and its negative impact on the environment, manufacturers increasingly look for more sustainable (PFAS-free) ...
The PONAMP project, a joint initiative of R&D company Materia Nova and Sirris that ran from 2019 to 2021, resulted in several material innovations. One of its key achievements is the modification of the widely used aluminum alloy 7075 (AA7075). Through in-situ micro-alloying, the material’s ...
With its JAMP project (Joining of Additive Manufactured Parts), the European Space Agency (ESA) wants to improve the fabrication of spacecraft parts and test the viability of new assembly methods. The aim of the project, more specifically, is to analyze and evaluate the assembly of metal parts made ...
To estimate the behaviour and performance of UAVs in all types of situations, reliable standard test measures are necessary. Several partners, including Sirris, started working together to develop a test method for the performance of UAVs when exposed to wind and ice.
As a manufacturer you might be interested in switching to additive manufacturing, but you are not sure if this is a good idea. You might be struggling with several practical questions. To bring more clarity, Sirris has made a relatively simple tool: the 'AM Decision Tree'.
Newly developed electrolytic materials for lithium-ion batteries could significantly improve the charging efficiency of the batteries in (extremely) cold weather.