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In a constantly evolving technological world, thermal management has become a crucial challenge. Having more than two decades of innovation, Sirris possesses in-depth expertise which is valuable in many contexts where thermal management is crucial, thus contributing to ensuring the performance and ...
The traditional stage-gate process to manage projects often delays decisions. Applying 'exception management' makes it possible to avoid having to wait for decisions.
If 2020 was characterised, for many companies, by anguish and the disruption of their usual business activities due to a pandemic that hit hard, 2021 can absolutely be characterised by the unprecedented resilience of those same companies.
Since 2011, 12 April has been the International Day of Human Space Flight, to celebrate the day that Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space. Belgium, too, has always had a thing for space, and the space industry has been growing and flourishing for many years. Our society without aerospace is ...
Every year in May, the elite of the Belgian life sciences community attends’s annual Knowledge for Growth business conference in Ghent, attracting decision makers from biotech, pharma and medtech, agricultural and chemical industry as well as investors, universities, top-notch research ...
Anno 2022, great interest goes to neurotechnology and neuroscience. In both industry and academia, new applications are being discovered each day. NeuroTech Leuven’s MINDSEED on 27 April aims to educate non-experts on state-of-the art neurotechnology and neuroscience and connect its experts. Sirris ...
8 March is International Women's Day. A day on which women and men all over the world raise their voices for emancipation, equal rights and inclusion. Although these issues gain a lot of attention in the Belgian business world, the share of women in certain sectors is still lagging behind.
The international collaborative research project BIMy has been awarded with the ITEA Award of Excellence for Innovation. The ITEA project BIMy focused on how building information modelling (BIM) can be used and exploited beyond its normal use, and how to improve integration of BIM and geographic ...