Sirris and Agoria help businesses to work more efficiently and more sustainably with Make the Future. Find out how the Eco Factory transformation can set your business apart.
Sirris helps businesses move towards Industry 4.0 by digitalising processes. Find out how Digital Factory makes work more efficient and more sustainable.
Are you a manufacturing company in Belgium? Want to stay ahead of the competition and build resilience in a world that’s always changing? Make the Future is here to guide you.
Innovation in manufacturing plays a key role in reducing the industry’s environmental impact. Recent advances in non-classical manufacturing technologies, such as ultrashort pulsed laser manufacturing ...
In the third week of September it was that time again: time for the 2023 EMO trade fair, the biennial high mass for the machining industry, to open in Hanover. What follows is a short report of what we could spot for you.
SPA Monopole, Puratos, Alstom (second title), Valeo Vision Belgique and JTEKT Torsen Europe (third title) are Wallonia’s new ‘Factories of the Future’ for 2023. Hence, Wallonia now boasts a total of ...
On 7 February 2023, the Factory of the Future Awards event took place at Technopolis Mechelen. On that occasion, VCST Industrial Products, Sanofi, Barry Callebaut, Altachem and Pomuni Frozen were awarded the title of 'Factory of the Future'.
On 14 February, I ❤️ Industrie du Futur, the yearly Industry 4.0 event organised by Digital Wallonia and partners will take place, and for the occasion Sirris will open the doors of its industrial ...
At the Factory of the Future Awards ceremony on February 17, our country was granted with six new Factories of the Future. With this Award, the initiators want to designate the most future-oriented ...
On 17 February, six companies received the title of Factory of the Future on the occasion of the eighth edition of the Factory of the Future Awards. It is the initiator’s intention for the award to ...
Stas Waregem, Terumo, P&V Panels, ZF Windpower, Vinventions and Takeda Belgium may as of today bear the title of Factory of the Future. With this award, the initiators want to crown the most future ...