Your search for flexible automation ends in our application labs

Bart Verlinden

Flexible production automation using cobots for example is no hype - it’s necessary. Nonetheless, successful implementation is not that straightforward. We’ve extended our support facilities and know-how for this type of automation at our application labs in Kortrijk and Diepenbeek. Why not start using them now!

In the meantime most manufacturing companies realise that flexible automation can undoubtedly act as leverage for their production towards Industry 4.0, as well as being a resource for future participation. It is not always easy to work out exactly how and where automation technology such as cobots should be deployed. This is where Sirris can help you. In addition to demonstrating the potential for your company, as well as helping with the implementation, we also provide support for the operators so that they can work efficiently with this flexible type of automation.

The focus is on people

Sirris helps with the integration of flexible automation on-site. We teach you how to improve your own infrastructure and in doing so also support you operators. Interaction between cobot and operator is crucial for successful implementation, as well as over the longer term.

At the application labs in Kortrijk and Diepenbeek we have a large range of machinery for production automation, including different cobots and ancillary equipment (vision systems, grippers, etc.) that you can use, giving you the opportunity to find out and test for yourself. Our experienced experts can provide the necessary advice and answer all your questions.

For the initial introduction to cobots, we regularly arrange workshops in our application labs. During the workshops you will be able to have your first hand-on experience with this type of automation. This is all done under the experienced eyes of our experts.

Want to find out more? Check out or new web page where you can find out everything about cobots, the services we provide and the state-of-the-art infrastructure that Sirris makes available to industry at their two applications labs in Kortrijk and Diepenbeek. The web page is continually updated ensuring that you stay up-to-date with all the latest activities at our application labs.


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