Wuyts image

Wuyts opens doors to new ideas

Thomas Vandenhaute

In order to cope with the complexity of their product range, Wuyts – a materials processing company and manufacturer of several products - is open to external influences and inspiration. The company intended to innovate and optimise their products, production and the company. Sirris lent a helping hand.

For decades, Wuyts in Zandhoven has been specialised in processing materials such as aluminium, and other metals. Through the years a broad range of in-house products was developed for a variety of markets. Facade building, street furniture, exterior joinery and even bulletproof walls are part of their product range. In order to stand out among other providers, the company is increasingly committing to tailored and personalised solutions. In the meantime additional activities were launched including design furniture and design street/shop furniture, like large digital displays. 

Influence and inspiration

In order to cope with this increasing complexity, Wuyts gradually opened up to exterior influences and input. Innovating and improving is not something you can do alone. Sirris is one of the partners in several domains.

For example, Wuyts ordered a materials scan, took part in a study on recycling aluminium particles without melting, visits to the Factories of the Future were set up in the context of improvement processes and the collaboration with subcontractors and partners was further explored.

The inspiration derived from the activities adopted by the company is now really visible: the entire production hall was rearranged, the flow in the production processes improved, planning and information flow were simplified, production cells were set up aimed at training (self-steering) teams, more natural light was brought in, etc.
This also results in a more pleasant, lighter and greener working environment.


Waste streams

In terms of sustainable production steps were taken towards more selective waste processing. The additional knowledge about the processing methods of the specific waste flows revealed a potential for optimisation and improvement. It involves selecting the most appropriate partners for waste collection and processing, allowing each partner to fully dedicate to their core competencies. Whenever possible, the cycles are closed. For example, reusable cleaning cloths are provided in a closed circle.


Open to inspiration

The company learnt that opening windows and doors for the influences and ideas from outside the organisation, is very helpful. It stimulates writing your own story, to help create and materialise the future. In many areas evolution is only possible through interactions and cooperation.

Do you want to open your door and reap the fruits of innovation? Let us know, contact us!

This article was written in the context of the project 'Eco-compliance als competitief wapen’, with the support of VLAIO.


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