Product management for success

Peter Verhasselt

Corporify and Sirris join forces for a top Software-as-a-Service product

Corporify is a Software-as-a-Service product builder focused on companies and private equity/venture capital funds around the world. Their solutions simplify the digital management of legal entities. They give corporate lawyers and financial professionals more time for advice, instead of administration. Sirris has been guiding the company since its start-up phase in 2017. A common thread in the collaboration: making product management mature. This has clearly paid off.

For a product company like Corporify, good product management is central to its success. Professionalism in product management is therefore a must. This responsibility lies at the interface between the people who are in contact with the customers and those who develop the software.
This means that the support of an organisation such as Sirris is not an unnecessary luxury.

Over the years, Corporify's product has been built on a number of fundamental and explicit choices affecting different facets - from the architecture to the user experience. With a clear architecture, roadmap and product strategy, we ensure that all that technical work meets the needs of the target group.

The core: the customer's share registers

Corporify's product is first built up from the customer's share registers – the core of the application. This makes it possible to provide insights into shareholdership in a straightforward manner, such as reporting on ‘ultimate beneficial owner’ or the organisational chart of a corporate group. Furthermore, it allows the customer to automate certain legal processes (e.g., sending out documentation for a General Meeting). Starting from the essence of the offer makes innovation less cumbersome.


In addition, the application is designed and built in consultation with the users. This has led to refinements in the user experience. For example, the product is linked to the national trade register and provides with the appropriate timing a notification of the completion of a task, in accordance with the legislation in force. This provides peace of mind in a matter that requires meticulous administration. In addition, the entire application is designed to be language-agnostic: terms are dynamically populated from a selected lexicon, so the solution works in the user's language and terminology.

These years of effort have ensured that Corporify ranks among the international top in legal entity management and corporate housekeeping in terms of user-friendliness.

Smooth collaborations

The final product pillar is a smooth collaboration between the various roles involved in the process. For this purpose, the tasks of different users are combined as seamlessly as possible. That process differs from company to company. Fine-grained access control ensures a fit without additional development work.

Internal and external advantages

Thanks to many years of collaboration with Sirris, Corporify was able to further professionalise its product management. This not only led to great results, such as an international top product that perfectly meets the customer's needs, it also made it easier to make different types of decisions, from customer questions and technical rework to pricing and hiring.

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