Participate in the Crisis Code Cracker: 3 steps to a crisis-proof company

Gunthram Cornelis

In recent months, many entrepreneurs have asked us how they can make their businesses more crisis-proof. That is why Sirris has developed the Crisis Code Cracker: a 3-step action plan that helps businesses in the technology sector to future-proof their businesses.

Why participate ?

A more resilient business

Having a clear action plan, prepared by experts in your particular field, will give you as an entrepreneur better insight into how to protect your company against a crisis, or how to anticipate the ever-faster developments and changes in the market, such as digitisation, automation or sustainability. The process always focuses on innovation. 

A benchmark for new ideas 

The process will help you to take a good look at your business, products and processes, without any obligations, expectations or agendas. And all that in complete confidentiality, which has been one of Sirris’ basic values since 1949. Consider the Crisis Code Cracker as a sounding board for your business, and a benchmark for your innovation plans, and at the same time a source of inspiration.

Individual guidance from experts

The Code Cracker will help you discover new reference points, get new insights for your relaunch strategy, and identify blind spots. Sirris and its 160 experts will support you in identifying your options, making appropriate choices, and getting started on a practical action plan and a realistic playbook.

About the Crisis Code Cracker

The Crisis Code Cracker was initiated by Sirris, the joint centre for the Belgian technology sector. Along with its parent organisation Agoria, Sirris provides knowledge and expertise in three different areas: product, business and factory. The reports are all tailor-made, very practical and as action-based as possible. 

The topics of the process vary and will be a reflection of your business’s challenges and needs. Topics that often come up include: 

  • Product innovation and better anticipation of market changes
  • Improving lead times - before, during, and after production
  • Product management for physical or digital services and products
  • Digital solutions to improve flexibility and efficiency of processes
  • Collaboration and convergence in the value chain
  • Sustainability and ecology as a new recovery strategy

POM West-Flanders and the province of West-Flanders have chosen Sirris to be one of their partners and thus help to adopt the Crisis Code Cracker. It also underlines the importance of increasing digitalisation and automation of business activities and the need for digital skills among employees.
#samenondernemen, #meerwestvlaanderen.

What does the process involve?

We will assess your company’s needs and challenges in an initial telephone conversation. This exploratory discussion is entirely without obligation. If you are satisfied about the added value the Crisis Code Cracker will bring, we will start making a preparatory analysis. The action plan comprises three steps:

  1. A company visit and in-depth interview
    During the visit, we will explain the Crisis Code Cracker. In the in-depth interview, we will focus on the pre-defined topics.
  2. Further analysis with experts and report
    We will provide you with a comprehensive report written by experts that outlines new possibilities and opportunities for your business
  3. Debriefing and action plan for innovation
    We will support you in setting priorities and assist you in planning and implementing new innovations. 

> Find out more about the Crisis Code Cracker

The power of open innovation

Every entrepreneur knows that for successful innovation you need to work with others. Carefully thought-out collaboration will improve your probability of success and lower the risks. That is why the Crisis Code Cracker introduces you to new people and ideas. At the same time, it offers you tangible starting points for practical implementation within your business.

Sirris wants to use the Crisis Code Cracker to convince even more entrepreneurs of the importance of open innovation, so that together with the joint centre and other (knowledge) partners, they can build a sustainable future for the technology sector. Over 50 Belgian companies have already embarked on the process. 

> Bart Maeyens (Modular Lighting Instruments) on his experience with the Code Cracker






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