Our view and experience of the circular economy set out in a white paper

Thomas Vandenhaute

To give our companies even better support and pave the way for them to implement the circular economy, Sirris and Agoria have put together a new, comprehensive white paper. This document includes a description of the basic principles and advantages of the circular economy, and of the support and guidance needed to enable you to make further specific progress.

The circular economy is much discussed and many events, workshops and master classes are devoted to it, yet we constantly receive feedback suggesting that many people still find it too theoretical a concept that is all too rarely translated into specific practical measures. There are various reasons for this, including that many companies do not link the short and long-term objectives.

This is why Sirris and Agoria have drawn up an in-depth white paper that should offer more clarity and therefore help to provide some answers to these questions. Of course, the situation in every company is different, so there is no 'one-size-fits all' approach.

How we compiled the content

In recent years, we have helped dozens of businesses take small steps or large strides towards implementing the circular economy. We brought together the experience and insights we have accumulated in these real-life cases and linked them to the standard for the circular economy published earlier this year (BS 8001: 2017). This standard was developed with broad support from stakeholders and leading companies in the domain and thus serves as a good basis on which to add our key insights.

We collated the results of these efforts in a white paper. This substantial document focuses on converting the principles behind the theoretical circular economy into practice in a corporate context. It includes a description of the basic principles, and the need for and advantages of switching to a circular economy, and you will learn about the support and guidance needed to enable your organisation to make further specific progress. Various concrete cases and examples illustrating actual practice can be found throughout the white paper.

Although our target group is manufacturing companies, other product and service providers from the technology industry may also find this document of interest. In short, all businesses that start to embrace circular entrepreneurship can find useful starting points, tips and inspiration in it.

Download our whitepaper


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