Opportunities and challenges of end-of-life lithium-ion battery-packs

Jan Kempeneers
Manie Conradie

Electrification of road vehicles is taking off fast and more of these lithium-ion battery-pack powered vehicles can be seen on our roads. But what to do when the battery reaches end-of-life? For 2 years, the COOCK project Re2Live investigated this and other questions. The main findings will be presented during a public closing event on 2 June.

Can end-of-live batteries pose opportunities (or challenges) for our companies? Can we re-use these retired batteries in other applications or recycle them and how shall we organise this in an economic viable way?

This event will provide you with the main conclusions from the VLAIO COOCK project Re2Live, giving you insights in the opportunities and challenges related to the end-of-life value chain of batteries from electric vehicles, including aspects on transport and logistics, automation and dismantling, remanufacturing and possible re-use and recycling.

What topics will be covered?

  • Transportation and packaging of end-of-life lithium-ion battery packs
  • Dismantling process and automation
  • Refurbishment and repurposing of lithium-ion battery packs
  • Second life applications
  • Recycling of lithium-ion batteries
  • Circular economy and business models
  • Policy recommendations

Target audience

This event is intended for all companies and other stakeholders that are interested in the potential of the value chain of end-of-life lithium-ion batteries from electric vehicles, including professionals from the logistics sector, packaging sector, technology & automation sector, automotive sector, battery technology sector, energy sector, recycling sector, policy makers, researchers, …

The Re2Live closing event will take place in BluePoint Brussels on 2 June 2022. Would you like to be there? The programme, further details and registration form can be found here!

In the VLAIO COOCK project Re2LiVe VIL, Sirris, VITO and VUB investigated how Flemish companies can respond to the opportunities in the growing market of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. Spearhead clusters Flux50 and SIM and technology federation Agoria acted as supported partners.

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Manie Conradie

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