COBOFIN robotic sanding and deburring

Keen interest in learning to sand with a cobot: looking back on a successful hands-on workshop

Jan Kempeneers

On 27 June 2023, a fascinating hands-on workshop took place at the Sirris site in Diepenbeek, Belgium, with the theme 'Sanding with a cobot'. The workshop gave participants the opportunity to find out how a cobot can help them with various sanding applications. Now the workshop is over, we can look back on a successful and inspiring day.

The workshop program consisted of a short introductory presentation followed by practical exercises on the robot and a collective debriefing during lunch. In this way, the participants gained a basic theoretical background that they could then apply immediately and experience in practice.

The participating companies were satisfied with the workshop as a whole, especially the emphasis placed on the hands-on part. They were persuaded of the possibilities that already exist for using a cobot in various sanding operations. It was a unique opportunity for the participants to get to work themselves and to experience how user-friendly and efficient sanding with a cobot can be.

Workshop schuren met een cobot

Getting started, hands-on

During the hands-on part of the workshop, the focus was on low-threshold programming using Robotiq's Copilot software in combination with a cobot from Universal Robots. The participants were supervised and guided by experienced Sirris employees, who helped them to program a sanding and deburring application. The various capabilities of Copilot were explained and applied using the relevant tools and strategies. The participants programmed the planned exercises independently. By working in two small groups of up to three participants on the two set-ups provided, there was enough room for interaction and personal guidance, and an optimal learning experience was guaranteed.

It was a valuable opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience and to explore together how cobots can improve the sanding process.

Are you interested in future workshops on cobot sanding, or would like to know more about the potential for using cobots in your company? Then please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always ready to help you discover the latest developments in robotics and flexible automation.

Be sure to keep an eye on Sirris’ blog and agenda for updates and information.

This workshop took place under the aegis of the COOCK project COBOFIN and was organised with the support of VLAIO (Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship).


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