Sirris Smart Product Inspiration Guide

Exploring the potential of smart products for a company's offering

Pieter Beyl

Introducing the Smart Product Inspirator

In today's rapidly digitising world, smart products and the Internet of Things (IoT) are revolutionising the way we live and work. However, many product  companies are still unaware of the tangible opportunities that smart products can bring to their business. That is where Sirris comes in. With our expertise and extensive research, we have developed the Smart Product Inspirator, an online guide specifically designed to assist companies in innovating their offering and making their products smart.


Unlocking business value with smart products

Smart products have the potential to create value in various ways. By incorporating digital capabilities into their product offering, companies can differentiate themselves, improve internal efficiency, and open doors to new revenue streams. However, navigating this transformative journey can be overwhelming. To develop our Smart Product Inspirator, we have analysed over 150 smart products. Our Smart Product Inspirator is meant to help companies like yours to identify the right approach that aligns with your unique needs and capabilities.

Tools and guidelines for success

To increase your chances of success and ensure your smart product innovation stays on track, Sirris developed this online guide based on industry-driven research and innovation projects with companies like yours. The downloadable Inspiration Guide provides you with practical insights and actionable steps to guide you through the implementation process.

Exploring ideas with the Smart Product Inspirator

 The Smart Product Inspirator is an excellent starting point for companies eager to explore the potential of smart products and IoT. It is a framework that helps you to identify valuable ideas by showcasing proven smart product scenarios and smart product cases of nearby companies. By leveraging this tool, you will gain a deeper understanding of what makes a product smart and uncover new opportunities for innovation .

Dive into smart product scenarios

In the online inspirator, we delve into the five most common scenarios distilled from a pool of 150+ smart products. Gain valuable insights into how smart products can create value for your customers and generate business value for your company. Download the full inspiration guide – available in the online tool – to discover a total of 17 smart product scenarios.


Inspiration through company cases

To make smart product innovation more tangible for you, we have collected 15 concrete smart product cases. These innovative solutions , illustrate how companies similar to yours are creating and capturing value with smart products. By examining these examples, you’ll gain inspiration and learn from the experiences of others in your industry.


Download the Smart Product Inspiration Guide

For a comprehensive understanding of the possibilities that lie ahead, Sirris offers the full Smart Product Inspiration Guide for download. This guide encompasses insights into all 17 scenarios identified during our research. By downloading this guide, you can take the inspiration gained and turn it into action – using a 4-steps approach to identify your best smart product ideas.

Follow our practical 4-steps approach

Expert guidance

At Sirris, we recognise that every company is unique, and we are ready to provide expert assistance to guide you through the options available for your specific needs. Pieter Beyl, one of our Smart Product experts, is available to lend his expertise and help you navigate the world of smart products. Reach out to him to start your smart product journey.

Embracing smart products can unlock many opportunities for innovation. With the Smart Product Inspirator by Sirris, product companies can embark on this journey with confidence and develop their own Smart Product roadmap. By exploring the guides, leveraging the insights, and seeking expert guidance, you can position your organisation at the forefront of smart product innovation. Take the first step today and discover the possibilities that await you.

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