Digital or sustainable transformation? Choosing is losing!

Ludwig De Locht

Strategically embedding the processes of both digital and sustainable transformations in a company - also called twin transformation - pays off. It is however often not straightforward for a company to decide where and how to start with a twin transformation. If you want to know more about twin transformations and their potential for your company, get inspired or start your combined digital and sustainable journey, our thematic event on April 27th will fit your need.  

During the past few years, many companies started to invest in digital technology to transform their business. Others transformed to make sure their products, services and businesses contribute to a more environmental or social sustainability. But only a few companies succeed in combining digital and sustainable transformations. Nevertheless, strategically embedding the processes of both digital and sustainable transformations in a company - also called twin transformation - pays off. According to research by Accenture, companies pursuing a twin transformation are 2.5 times more likely to be among tomorrow’s leaders. Next to economic benefits, advanced digital solutions can have a significant sustainable impact.

But it is often not straightforward for a company to decide where and how to start with a twin transformation. To give companies more insight in the topic Sirris and Agoria are organising a thematic event on April 27th. You will learn where impact can be generated by means of an easy-to-use framework, how digital serves as an enabler for sustainability and how sustainability creates new digital business opportunities. The proposed methods, tools and best practices will be illustrated by inspiring company cases.

What to expect?

  • A keynote on the European view on maximising the synergies and benefits of the digital and green transitions by Ilias Iakovodic, Adviser at the European Commission.
  • Several actionable methods, tools and best practices to engage in a twin transformation by ISIT and The Shift.
  • A practical framework to identify possibilities for twin transformations in your organisation, offer and business model by Sirris and Agoria
  • Inspiring real transition cases by The Grain, Ethernetics and Hannecard.
  • Contact and networking opportunities, with the experts and other companies








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