Digitization of production encompasses more than just the production processes themselves. The so-called supporting processes, like customer relationship management, order management, production planning and follow-up, or inventory management need to be digitized to link production with your office. At Sirris, we can help you evaluate which tools might be interesting for your situation and how to integrate them in an optimal way.
Digital tools for production
Digital tools: seeing the forest for the threes…
Nowadays, almost every business application can be optimized and digitized with a dedicated tool. For manufacturing companies, tools like CRM (customer relations), ERP (resource planning), MES (production follow-up), APS (planning and scheduling), and WMS (warehouse management) promise to deliver increased performance and productivity. Should you invest in all those tools? At Sirris, we analyze and refine your needs, so different tools can be evaluated and compared to select the best fit for your challenges.
Integrating your tools
Over 50% of manufacturing companies encounter problems with the use of their digital tools. The most cited issues include duplicate manual work (inputting the data in the different tools and redundancy of data). Integration of these tools offers many advantages. At Sirris, we help you determine the best integration strategy (e.g., robotics integration, data integration, or enterprise application integration) and how to roll out this strategy in your environment. We’re happy to answer any questions you might have, so please do not hesitate to contact us.
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