Wind Energy Summit 2023

Wind Energy Technology Summit, Day 1 - Emerging offshore technologies: floating offshore wind technology seminar

Following two successful summits, Sirris will be organising the Wind Energy Technology Summit for the third time. This year we will link two seminars on emerging technologies in a two-day program. On the first day of the Summit, we will focus on the developments in floating offshore wind turbines and the challenges involved.

The aim of the seminar is to inform and inspire companies and other organisations about emerging technological developments in the (offshore) wind energy sector.

Offshore wind farms are being built ever further out to sea and in deeper water, which makes it very difficult to work with solid foundations. Floating wind turbines can offer a solution here. This also applies to those markets where the nearby coastline is very deep, as is the case, for example, in Portugal, Norway and on the West Coast of the USA. These markets therefore hope for significant cost reductions from floating wind turbines in the coming years, so that they too can make full use of offshore wind energy. This creates opportunities for the Belgian, and, by extension, the European wind sector. 

Several Belgian and international speakers will describe the state-of-the-art, new market insights and the latest innovation trends around this emerging theme. Speakers already confirmed: World Forum Offshore Wind (WFO), Basque Energy Cluster, Multi-Engineering, Nautilus Floating Solutions (Wind2Grid floating substation project), Sener (HiveWind), Saitec.

A delegation from the Basque energy cluster will also take part in this seminar. Before the afternoon seminar program, companies will have the opportunity to interact in a B2B session with members of the Basque floating wind energy cluster. For more information about this B2B session, please contact Pieter Jan Jordaens (exclusive offer for members of Sirris, Agoria and Blue cluster).

We conclude the first day of the event with a panel session with Edward Van Melkebeek, Head of Technology at Parkwind, Eric Finé, Business Development Manager at Smulders, Jef Monballieu, commercial manager Offshore Concessies at Jan De Nul, and Louise Efthimiou, Floating Offshore Wind Analyst at World Forum Offshore Wind – WFO..

In the morning of 13 September, we offer you the unique opportunity to visit the brand-new test facility Coastal & Ocean Basin (COB). The COB has a wave tank with unique features which can be relevant to the floating offshore wind sector, located in Ostend.

The visit to the COB test facility is fully booked!

More information about the Wind Energy Technology Summit 2023.


    Topic Speaker
  12h30 Registration & welcome coffee  
  13h00 Opening words & Setting the scene 'Floating wind power' Pieter Jan Jordaens, Sirris
  13h10 Global Update on Floating Wind Louise Efthimiou, World Forum Offshore Wind (WFO)
  13h30 Floating wind – perspective of a Belgian developer' Cedric Vanden Haute, Elicio
SATH: from demonstration towards pre-commercial projects. Industrialisation challenges.
Dr. Carlos Garrido-Mendoza, Saitec
  14h10 Coffee and networking break  
  14h30 Parkwind’s view on different floating markets and technologies Griet Decorte, Parkwind
  14h50 Monitoring the movement of dynamic cables in a floating wind farm through Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Simon De Rijcke, Marlinks & 
Antoine Vergaerde, Engie-Laborelec
  15h10 Floating Offshore Substations and Hydrogen generation and storage Jesús M. Busturia, Nautilus
  15u30 Coffee and networking break  
  15h50 Moray Base floating platform Niko Fierens, Multi Engineering
  16h10 Modularity as a key to enable floating offshore wind industrialization and scalability Meng Zhang, Sener
  16h30 Panel discussion floating offshore wind perspectives
  • Jef Monballieu (Jan De Nul)
  • Louise Efthimiou (World Forum Offshore Wind – WFO)
  • Eric Finé (Smulders) 
  • Edward Van Melkebeek (Parkwind)
  • Cedric Vanden Haute (Elicio) 
  • Marcos Suarez Garcia (Basque energy cluster)
  17h30 Networking reception  


For whom?

The target audience consists of both established companies in the energy sector and its suppliers, and newcomers who want to get involved in offshore wind energy in the coming years. Everyone who wants to gain new insights and knowledge about this growth sector is welcome. It is also an excellent opportunity to network within the industry. 

On 12 and 13 September, the Offshore Wind PhD Days will take place. At this event, the Belgian academic community will come together to host an academic poster session at the same event location. To make it a real summit and to maximize cross-fertilisation between industry and academia, we will combine the networking for both events on 12 September.


Thanks to the support provided by Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) under the Industry Partnership, the participation fee for this thematic event is only € 105 (excl. VAT) for companies established in Flanders. Participants from outside Flanders pay € 349.

This thematic event is organised under the 'Industry partnership’ programme.

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12 September 2023 12:00 - 17:00


De Grote Post
Hendrik Serruyslaan 18A
8400 Oostende

Google maps


Companies in Flanders 105,- EUR | Others 349,- EUR

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In collaboration with


12 September 2023 12:00 - 17:00


De Grote Post
Hendrik Serruyslaan 18A
8400 Oostende

Google maps


Companies in Flanders 105,- EUR | Others 349,- EUR

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