
The practice of measuring and improving your circularity performance and ambitions

Measuring circularity gives you a reference point, generates actions for improvement and shows you and your (future) customers the results of your efforts. This masterclass gives you a current overview of tools and methods to set up a customised internal dashboard and to inform the market objectively about your ambitions and performance in circular entrepreneurship, so that you can further strengthen your added value in this future-oriented theme.

New circular products and earning models generate innovation and create numerous jobs throughout the value chain. More and more companies are focusing on circular strategies and thus responding to the increasing demand for circular products and services. But how are you able to measure the ambitions and performance of your company, product or value chain in terms of circularity? How can your company ensure that it’s making progress? Which of the many available measurement methods is the most appropriate in your context? How far has the standardisation of circularity measurements got?

Sirris, VITO and Agoria will answer these and many other questions during the masterclass. We rely on testimonials from companies who share their experience with measurement methods and tools. We also provide an overview of the most important and useful tools and what they are best used for.

What you get from us

  • Multiple industrial cases and testimonials, including a question-and-answer session
  • Interactive guidance and direct access to experts and testimonials
  • Inspiration to ensure your progress too
  • For all proposed tools and methods, the links and access to use or purchase them
  • A reading list of articles and relevant publications
  • The tools brought together in an overview table


  • You know the different levels and frameworks on which circularity can be approached (macro, meso, micro). You understand that circularity cannot be captured in one score.
  • You will select one indicator or a set of indicators that suits your business.
  • You gain insight into the quantitative, qualitative and organisational aspects of measuring and monitoring circular progress.
  • You receive practical testimonials from companies that use specific generic methods and tools and what they have learned from them.
  • You receive an overview of a selection of tools that will help you take the next step forward.
  • You receive an overview of recent developments (ISO standardisation, policy frameworks and ongoing research) in the measurement of circularity.

Target group

  • You are exploring with your company the first steps towards circular entrepreneurship or have already taken them.
  • The broad target group includes companies and organisations that have an impact on material flows and/or the physical products: producers of materials or products, equipment and raw material processors, converters, technological industry and manufacturing companies, companies from the food sector, process industry, etc.
  • Participants: R&D managers, compliance officers, C-level management, CSR environmental & sustainability managers, product engineers, data managers, marketing managers, etc.  

Note! The number of participants for this masterclass is limited to 15.


Thanks to the support of VLAIO within the framework of the #industrypartnership project, companies located in Flanders pay only 375 euros. The participation fee for this masterclass is 1,245 euros for companies outside of Flanders.

This programme is part of Industriepartnershap in which 17 Flemish innovation partners offer an integrated service to stimulate growth and innovation in the Flemish industry in the 3 following themes: Digitisation, Sustainability & Industry 4.0. They do so under the leadership of Agoria and Sirris and with the support of Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen.  




19 January 2023 09:00 - 16:30


Gaston Geenslaan 8
3001 Heverlee

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19 January 2023 09:00 - 16:30


Gaston Geenslaan 8
3001 Heverlee

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