Day 2 of Wind Energy Technology Summit - State-of-the-art in offshore wind structural integrity management
Sign up for your preferred topic – or both!
Two thematic seminars and associated masterclasses spread over a two-day Ghent event aimed at educating companies on wind energy technology. On day one (June 4th), we are focusing, for the fourth time, on hydrogen production at sea as an emerging technology. On day 2 (June 5th) we focus on structural integrity related to offshore foundations and structures. You need to sign up for each of the days separately!
In the coming years, wind energy, both onshore and offshore, will be a crucial component of Belgium's energy mix. The nation's accumulated knowledge and expertise across the wind energy value chain have evolved into a significant export asset, bolstering global growth in the sector. Belgian knowledge in offshore foundations and structures, structural integrity management, and hydrogen technology is opening doors on the international stage for numerous stakeholders. However, despite these advancements, the industry still faces some challenges and attention points. Our summit's seminar aims to spotlight key technology and market trends, fostering a strategic networking platform for professionals to converge and engage with this year's pivotal summit themes.
For whom?
Like in previous years, this summit is attended by an exciting mix of pioneering corporates, local innovative players, global technology players, research institutes, and government officials from regional, national, and neighboring countries. As a result, this summit has a tradition of delivering a voluntaristic atmosphere with a lot of knowledge exchange and where professional connections deepen.
Day 2 of the Summit
- We delve into structural integrity management for offshore wind turbines—an essential pillar for sustainable energy generation.
- Focus on the structural integrity of foundations and structures, including insights, management, and residual lifetime calculations.
- Expert dissemination of significant RD&I findings
- Exclusive lab visits to UGent's material test lab and OCAS's testing facility.
Morning program
Industrial Advisory Board of the cSBO project FIRMEST | |
9:30-12:00 | Location: UGent, Campus Ardoyen, Technologiepark 46, 9052 Zwijnaarde |
The cSBO project FIRMEST aims to develop fast and reliable forecasting tools to evaluate fatigue in welded joints of offshore wind turbines and other (offshore) structures. These tools are intended for both existing infrastructures and future designs. Expected innovation results include methods to generate detailed finite element models of welded joints from 3D scan data, a new approach for local stress calculation and fatigue life assessment, a more accurate method for non-linear fatigue damage accumulation, a single-sensor virtual detection strategy for precise reconstruction of stress histories and a specific data architecture for fatigue details. Partners Supported by Participation |
Afternoon program
Day 2 of Wind Energy Technology Summit | |
Location: Sirris Zwijnaarde, Technologiepark 48, 9052 Zwijnaarde | |
12:00 – 13:00 | Registration & networking lunch |
13:00 – 13:10 | Welcome & setting the scene (Pieter Jan Jordaens, Sirris | OWI-Lab) |
13:10 – 13u35 | Wind Turbine Flange Capacity – Confidence Through Digital Twins (Ingmar van Dijk, Siemens Gamesa) |
13:35 – 14:00 | Structural integrity impact factors explained: the effects of soil-structure interaction and wind farm and turbine control on the structural lifetime of foundations and towers. (Christof Devriendt , VUB |OWI-Lab) |
14:00 – 14:20 | Coffee Break |
14:20 – 14:45 | FATCOR: Towards a longer lifetime of offshore wind turbine monopile structures by better understanding the fatigue corrosion mechanisms (Philippe Thibaux, OCAS & Wim De Waele, Ghent University | OWI-Lab) |
14:40 – 15:05 | The Slip Joint connection – Operational experience from the first four years of Borssele V (Sander Suur | Van Oord) |
15:05 – 15:15 | Towards cheaper foundations by demonstrating the fatigue capacity of robot welded joints (JaCo-project) (Marc Vanderschueren, OCAS) |
15:15 – 16:30 | Visits to structural integrity testing facilities @ laboratory Soete (Ghent University) and OCAS |
16:30 – 18:00 | Networking drink |
Want to learn more?
- June 4th: Day 1 Wind Energy Technology Summit – Production of green electrons & molecules at sea
- September 6th - Masterclass: on (offshore) wind energy basics and state-of-the-art for starting professionals. We organize this Masterclass for new employees in your organization and interested parties who wish to become acquainted with (offshore) wind energy in general. This Masterclass is a kick-start insight into the basics and the state-of-the-art of (offshore) wind turbines.
This thematic event is part of the Industry Partnership. Thanks to the support provided by Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) under the Industry Partnership, the participation fee for this thematic event is only €115 (excl. VAT) for companies established in Flanders. Participants from outside Flanders also pay €115 thanks to our generous sponsors.