SLC-Lab Composites press

Crash course composites – the basics about composites and processing technologies

In order to introduce newcomers to the world of composites, Sirris organises a basic course on composites and their processing technologies. This crash course will give you an answer to numerous practical questions, such as 'What added value can composites bring to my products?’ or 'What technologies can I use to process composites?'.

A composite is a promising material type if you are looking for weight reduction in a stiff application, more freedom of shape during production, a corrosion-resistant material or if you want to reuse waste material in a new product.

In this crash course we will give an overview of the different composite types and how they can be processed. Furthermore this course will explain how composite materials can be integrated into a circular economy from the design phase to the end of product life.

To integrate the knowledge from the presentations directly into practice, you will have the chance to immediately start working with composite materials in two hands-on sessions between the informative sessions. During the hands-on sessions, you will make a chair by vacuum infusion and see several live demonstrations with other manufacturing techniques.

Because every case is different, you may send all your questions to us beforehand. We will let the most suitable expert discuss your pre-sent question with you during an individual session at the end of the course.


 10:00 - 10:15Welcome
 10:15 - 11:00Hands-on session infusion; RTM-Light; Recycling
 11:00 - 12:30Introduction; Applications and trends; Processes
 12:30 - 13:00Lunch break – sandwiches will be provided
 13:00 - 13:30Hands-on session prepreg, automation, thermoplastic composites
 13:30 - 15:00Materials and design; circular economy aspects
 15:00 - 15:30Demoulding, wrap-up in the lab
 15:30 - 17:30Your individual session: 20 minutes expert advice



The course is hosted by experts from the SLC-Lab:

  • Linde De Vriese, team leader
  • Wannes Lembrechts, project engineer
  • Tom Martens, senior technician


Thanks to the support of VLAIO within the framework of the #industrypartnership project, companies located in Flanders pay only 206 euros. The participation fee for this crash course is 1.373 euros for companies outside of Flanders.

This programme is part of Industriepartnershap in which 17 Flemish innovation partners offer an integrated service to stimulate growth and innovation in the Flemish industry in the 3 following themes: Digitisation, Sustainability & Industry 4.0. They do so under the leadership of Agoria and Sirris and with the support of Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen.


Banner Industrie Partnerschap


02 October 2024 10:00 - 17:30


Sirris composites lab
Gaston Geenslaan 8
3001 Leuven

Google maps


€375,- companies located in Flanders | €1245,- other

Contact person



02 October 2024 10:00 - 17:30


Sirris composites lab
Gaston Geenslaan 8
3001 Leuven

Google maps


€375,- companies located in Flanders | €1245,- other

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