Bart Maeyens (Modular Lighting Instruments) about his experience with Crisis Code Cracker

Gunthram Cornelis

“A time of crisis is the perfect moment to take a good look at your business, products and processes,” says Bart Maeyens, General Manager at Modular Lighting Instruments in Roeselare. He is enthusiastic about his experiences with the Crisis Code Cracker. Sirris uses the 3-step action plan to help businesses in the technology sector to emerge from the crisis even stronger. “It was a very positive experience that saved us a lot of time and brought us new ideas. I would recommend it to any company.”

About Modular Lighting Instruments

Modular Lighting Instruments are experts in technical architectural lighting. The West-Flemish company is a member of Signify Group, the world’s market leader in smart connected lighting.

What prompted you to participate?

“We learned about the Crisis Code Cracker from two angles. Our parent company Signify is already working closely with Sirris. And we have also been collaborating with their experts on several innovation projects. So it was easy to make the connection. This concept allowed us to test our own ideas using the CCC structure, to enrich them, and to identify new requirements.” 

Tell us a bit more about your CCC process

“It started with an exploratory phone call with Bas; a preliminary discussion, in other words. This set the scene for the in-depth interview, which was also attended by Bas’ colleague Gunthram. First, they explained the concept of the Code Cracker. Then they listened to us very attentively and asked a lot of questions. It was a very enjoyable experience.” 

“Afterwards, they sent us a very comprehensive advisory report, prepared by experts, containing numerous possibilities for co-venturing and convergence. The report was accurate, trustworthy and timely. It generated many worthwhile ideas and trains of thought that we can apply effectively today—practical things that I really believe will be of great value to us in the years to come.”

For example? 

“We've set ourselves a sustainability target of zero plastics by the end of 2021. Sirris introduced us to partners with similar initiatives, which has resulted in new solutions, including recyclable tape on our packaging, and solutions to prevent damage when wrapping our products. Sirris’ input was excellent and comprehensive.”

Towards a crisis-proof business 

The main trends of 2020 were digitisation and automation. Bart Maeyens also started looking for practical solutions to the challenges his business faced due to Brexit and corona. For Modular Lighting Instruments’ action plan we closely examined three fundamental concepts: product innovation, process innovation and out-of-the-box ideas

Product innovation 

“We started by looking at our products and the associated developments. There was a strong focus on technical aspects: from light to optics. How could we improve our products to make them more enjoyable, better, and more energy-efficient for consumers? And did Sirris know of any partners or sustainable components that could add value to our products and customers?” 

Process improvements

“We then zoomed in on our operations and processes, and considered further challenges in the areas of sustainability, efficiency and automation. Again, Sirris introduced us to a whole host of new people and opportunities. As our current innovation projects tied in closely, we were able to enhance them even further. We were also able to identify new ideas and channels.”

Out-of-the-box ideas 

“We had open discussions about the current trends in Sirris’ network and what other companies are up to. The purpose of this was to motivate us but also to identify any opportunities that we had not yet considered. Entrepreneurs mainly focus on their own products or operations, so it was very useful to step back and consider the bigger picture for a moment.” 

What happens after the process?

“The Crisis Code Cracker opens your eyes to numerous exciting new opportunities and possibilities. Yet, as a business, you have to look before you leap. Sirris supported us to set priorities and implement the innovations, both with recommendations and in practical terms. We're now working with their experts on some new projects and they are progressing extremely well.” 

What was the main added value for you?

“Time is the most precious thing anyone can give you, and this is exactly what Sirris does. We don’t have much time to do a lot of research or trawl through networks. Sirris acted as a filter for us; like a dam absorbing a cascade of information. They listened attentively to our needs and applied their filter to everything they collected and learned.”

What is your opinion of the Crisis Code Cracker?

“The time spent on the Crisis Code Cracker will be paid back to you in the future. And there's no need to wait for another crisis to take a closer look at your business, products or processes. The Crisis Code Cracker has reinforced the necessity of doing this more often. It was a very positive experience with a high rate of return, and one that I can recommend to every company in the sector.” 

'Crisis Code Cracker' is being supported by POM West-Flanders and the province West-FlandersAfter all, the current reality underlines the importance of increasing digitalisation and automation of business activities and the need for digital skills among employees. The province is therefore working with partners to develop an offer aimed at a digital and sustainable transformation of industrial SMEs and their employees. The extensive offer can be checked out on the website #samenondernemen, #meerwestvlaanderen. (in Dutch).  



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